Thursday, October 20, 2016

Open letter to Donald Trump

Dear Mr. Trump,

Yesterday as millions of people I saw your debate with secretary of State Hillary Clinton, You said “we have bad hombres here” To denigrate Latinos, I am sure that you have being in contact throughout your life with many successful Latinos and many have work for you, serving coffee, cleaning the rooms in your resorts, maintaining your golf courses and many other low paying jobs, there has being reports that you have hire illegal immigrants to do your menials jobs.
I understand that you are trying to be a politician and so far your racist comments again Mexicans (Latinos) have gained some you followers, by using the “bad hombres” during the debate, you are trying to use our own language against us, by using Spanish while debating immigration, you are trying to send a message to voters that all Latinos are criminals, there are criminals in the Latino population as there are in any other ethnic population.
But let me inform you of a few successful Latinos in the USA, in sports, the media, politics and business, they are immigrants or are the children’s of immigrants, I guest you are choosing to ignore the contributions of Latinos to the economy of the USA . As it have being point out Illegals immigrants pay more federal taxes that you do.
The following is just an example of influential Latinos in the US: Sonia Sotomayor,Jorge Ramos,Marc Antony,Oscar De la Hoya,Jennifer Lopez,Linda G.Alvarado,Columba Bush,Maria Contreras Sweet,,Salma Hayek,Monica Lozano,Ellen Ochoa,Frankling Chang Diaz,Thalia,Alejandro and Amdres santo Domingo,Jorge M.Perez.
I suggest that you get familiar with this names and many more successful Latinos, since you may need their help when you are fired from La Casa Blanca before you even get there.

Yours truly

Rene Pineda

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