Saturday, December 24, 2016

Homeland Security Asks Travelers for Facebook and LinkedIn Accounts

Customs Agents On The New York And Canada Border
Robert Nickelsberg Getty Images

Homeland Security Asks Travelers for Facebook and LinkedIn Accounts

Updated: Dec 23, 2016 12:54 PM Eastern
Starting this week, the federal government began asking some travelers to the U.S. to supply details about their social media accounts. As you can see below, Uncle Sam now wants visitors to disclose their presence on popular services like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter in what appears to be a long shot attempt to screen for terrorists.
The collection of social media data, which was first proposed by Homeland Security this summer, does not apply to U.S. citizens. Instead, it is for now aimed at foreigners from 32 countries who apply to arrive in the U.S. under the "visa waiver program"—an online tool that lets short-term visitors skip the formal process of applying for a visa.
Here is a screenshot from the online application that shows a list of social networks in the drop-down menu:
The social networks include VKontakte, which serves as Russia's Facebook, as well as, a text-sharing tool that is popular with the terrorist group ISIS. Meanwhile, the form also lists little-used services like Vine and Google+ but omits the wildly-popular Snapchat.
Even though the request for social media information is optional, the program has attracted intense criticism from the tech industry and civil liberties groups. The critics point out that social media profiles can reveal deeply personal information—sexual orientation or political viewpoints, for instance—and that the collection program could lead other countries to impose similar requirements. As a result, Americans traveling abroad could have to hand over their Facebook profile to enter a country.
Meanwhile, it's unclear if the program, first reported by Politico, will improve security. The reason is that would-be terrorists, even a dim-witted ones, would be unlikely to disclose their social media profile to the U.S. government.
The 32 countries affected by the visa waiver program are mostly European and affluent ones. So far, the request for social media information doesn't appear to apply to citizens of Canada and Mexico, who need a passport but not a visa or visa waiver to enter the U.S.

1 comment:

  1. Does an approved travel authorization guarantee admission to the United States? -
    An important ESTA condition is that ESTA approval does not necessarily mean that you will get entry into the United States.
    Entry to US not guaranteed after ESTA approval
    ESTA conditions during the online application process clearly mention that admission to the United States will be at the discretion of the US Customs and Border Protection Services.
    In other words having an approved ESET application lets a traveller board a plane or ship to the United States but actual entry into the country is based mainly on the travellers valid e-passport, documentation and paperwork.
    Additional conditions for admission to the US
    In addition to the traveller holding a valid e-passport from countries and territories under the Visa Waiver Program entry could be denied because
    • Issue with documentation
    • If authorities find out about criminal history of traveler or have reasons to believe that the intent of the visit can cause harm to the United States
    • History of entry denial
    The ESTA is not a visa as it only allows the holder to travel for business or pleasure for less than 90 days.
