Thursday, May 4, 2017

Living and learning.

Living and learning.

It is a reality, that in this life what we will always be doing is learning in one way or another.

Every day sometimes without realizing we acquire new knowledge. In technological advances or simple experiences, we have an incredible learning ability, we learn from different experiences and situations, good and bad, mistakes or failures and mainly from our triumphs.

The world in which we live is a great classroom and you have to take advantage of any learning simply because it will sooner or later serve us; And although many have not liked going to school, the school of life will always be present.

A university degree is every time more important, but in the end it could be just a paper, since there are many University graduates driving taxis and I do not try to say that driving taxis or cleaning tables is degrading, because I did it and even in Toronto, Canada got a taxi driver's license (among other things I learned) but never need to use it.

It's no use having all the theory of a University if you do not have the practice and in fact, some people tend from very young to work to gain experience, before going to a university.

Life will always expose us to experiences and those experiences are what will make us experts in the area that we are passionate about and that economically gives us what we need.

Learning every single day is way growing and maturing.

Writing by: Rene Pineda

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