Thursday, April 27, 2017

Customer service and United Airlines.

Customer service and United Airlines.

Writing by: Rene Pineda

United airlines are taking the right step in damage control by reach ‘amicable’ settlement. Now is time to treat customers with respect, airlines are on top of worse customer serviced.

Dr.David Dao is not an isolated incident and he probably had being banned and imprison if the video had not become public.

Is very frustrating for us as consumers how bad customer service is becoming a common practice. 

The topic is fresh on our minds thanks to United Airlines treatment of Dr. David Dao Usually, bad customer service experiences aren't as public as United Airline example, but they happen all the time and can have a significant impact on a business success.
In a new report, United Airlines admitted mistakes were made before, during and after Dr. Dao was violently dragged off a flight, the incident that was neither a safety nor security issue and could have been resolved differently, but United airlines choose to act as a bully and they are paying for it, in many ways and this incident will be in people minds for a very long time which is not great for business.

I will not be surprised that many people will be losing their jobs due to this incident. But who is mainly responsible? That a question that needs to be ask by investors.

The settlement comes a few weeks after the incident at Chicago’s O’Hare airport. Which is not a surprise due to the bad publicity and is better to bury the news as soon as possible.
It was also announced on the same day that the airline released the results of an internal investigation into the events that led to Dr. Dao removal.

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